KA1GT Troposcatter and Link Budget Calculator


I wrote this program about 20 years ago and I haven't updated it since. It runs under MS DOS (it's not a windows program), and it works fine in a Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7 DOS window. 

It basically takes a link which you specify and calculates if it's line of sight or not. If it's not line of sight, it uses 4 different methods to estimate troposcatter loss and calculates the S/N ratio at each end of the link. It it is line of sight it uses a simple formula to calculate path loss and S/N ratios.

The software is unsupported shareware. That means you can download it an use it for free, but if you decide to keep using it you can send me a donation if you want to!

I really can't answer too many questions about it since I wrote it so long ago I've forgotten most of the details by now, so it's not supported software. I may work on a more up to date presentation of the data by converting it to Visual Basic, but don't hold your breath for that one. I intend to do it, but I have no schedule.

UPDATE: Finally got around to it. See VB Scatter Program Not only does the new program have a much better interface, it corrects some coding errors and calculates additional parameters. It's much better all round, so there's no reason to use this original scatter program.

An article which discusses all the models on which this program is based appeared in the Winter 1991 issue of "Communications Quarterly" on pages 119 to 127. If you want a copy, email me.

The program contains no viruses or other nasty things, but if you run anyone else's files on your system without at least running them through a virus checker first, you're more of an optimist than I am.

73  Bob

And while I have your attention...

Stuff For Sale

[All as of February 2014]

I will be moving QTH in the Spring of 2014 and so some stuff has to go. I don't really want to let go of any of it, but I don't think I have much of a choice! Anyway, here's a partial listing:

  • 6-tube ring amplifier for 1296. The OZ9CR design, built by OZ9CR himself. Comes with a nice adjustable filament and bias supply including metering. Good for 400-500W if you get it tuned right. Comes with tubes and blower (but no guarantee on the tubes), You suply the HT.
  • 12 ft stressed parabolic dish (K2RIW design). I have the central hub (that's the hard part), plus the ribs. I don't think I have the screening but it might be hidden somewhere! If it's not, the screening is the easy part.
  • HP-141 Spectrum Analyzer. The one with the round CRT display. Used to work 100% but last time I was using it the display died. Could be the CRT but I haven't taken it apart to check it out. However it does have the IF section and an HP8554 plugin (100kHz to 1250MHz) which are presumably working fine (plus an HP8553 low 110MHz plugin and a spare IF section)
  • High voltage PSU, or at least the components. This was the power supply I used on 432 EME with my K2RIW amplifier. Not 100% sure of the voltage and current rating, but I'm guessing 2Kv at at least 1/2amp. Hasn't been used in 20 years, but I assume the transformer is still good. Can't guarantee the electrolytics. It's heavy. Construction quality leaves something to be desired, but it did the job for EME.
  • 600-0-600 transformer (1200v CT). Weight 77lbs. 6awg primary, 15awg secondary. Looks like it should be good for maybe 5A at 1200v?
  • This one is hard to part with. My K2RIW EME amp I do have the bias supply but it's a bit of a rat's nest constructionwise. Comes with the blower and tubes. Last time on the air it worked fine, so I've no reason to suspect it won't do so again. Puts out in the region of 500W with a 2kv PSU.
  • I might let one of my 1296 loop yagis go if you twist my arm.
  • Couple of dead TWT amplifiers for parts. Not light.
  • Miscellaneous bits of waveguide and various microwave parts, e.g. 1-2GHz, 2-4Ghz and 4-8GHz isolators/circulators. Ask, I may have one!

Prices are negotiable (especially on the heavy stuff!)

Some of this stuff would be pickup only since it's either heavy or bulky. I'm in NJ, just off Rt78, exit 36. You can reach me via email at bobatkins@hotmail.com. There's also a chance I might be at the conference in Manchester CT on April 13th 2014. Oh yes, you wanted the scatter program....Download  scatter.exe