Monthly Archives: November 2015

“Everybody Street” street photography documantary – now on Netflix

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“Everybody Street” illuminates the lives and work of New York’s iconic street photographers and the incomparable city that has inspired them for decades. The documentary pays tribute to the spirit of street photography through a cinematic exploration of New York City, and captures the visceral rush, singular perseverance and at times immediate danger customary to these artists.

Now available on Netflix


Moon Photography 101 / Boing Boing

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The moon is a pretty desolate place and the truth is, you just don’t have a whole lot to work with. You’ve got moon dust, some craters and if you’re lucky, you’ve got some shadow and light.To make your lunar photos really pop, you’re definitely gonna need to bring some props and your creativity cap. Let’s take a look at how past visitors to the Moon handled their photographic challenges.

Source: Moon Photography 101 / Boing Boing